Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lady Stella's Splendiferous Picks

Something I've wanted to do for a long time when it comes to this dusty ol' blog, is reviews of great books, music, and toys ect ect that Stella has enjoyed. Partly to help my terrible memory come gift time, partly to share with the world, but mostly to serve as a wonderful reminder of my daughter's incredible (ever changing and eclectic taste) as she grows. Thus "Lady Stella's Splendiferous Picks" begins.

It's hard to pick a first item to talk about, however since "Splendiferous" is an homage to Stella's beloved Fancy Nancy, she seems like a good place to start.

Without a doubt Stella is Jane O'Conner's Fancy Nancy in the flesh. Stella's first introduction to Nancy was "Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy". I think I've easily read this book 100 times to her. I wasn't sure how I felt about the Fancy Nancy Character, but soon I fell in love myself. She reminds me so much of punky brewster but with a princess twist. The illustrations are just amazing and imaginative. I know that just about any girl would have LOVED to have a room (or at least a closet) like Nancy's growing up.

Strangely, I never get tired of reading these books to Stella, and Stella certainly never tires of hearing them. Fancy Nancy has helped me embrace the girly, sparkly, froo-froo side of Stella, something that I have often felt was my biggest hurdle when it came to raising a girl. Fancy Nancy has taught me that being fancy or posh doesn't make you any less a tough cookie. So we would have to rate this one 5 Stella Star's.


Unknown said...

We sure do love some Fancy Nancy too! Madalyn's 3rd birthday was a Fancy Nancy party! :)