Monday, June 28, 2010

Move-It Monday - Sharon Jones and The Dap Kings

I've decided to move Wiggle-Iggle Friday's to Monday. Because anything that can help pick you up on a Monday is certainly something. Say hello to Move-It Mondays. First up. My beloved Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings (who can do absolutely no wrong) Seeing a SJ&DK show is on my list of things to do before I die. Even if they aren't your cup of tea, well your bound to get a kick out this kids mad dance skills!

Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings - Got A Thing On My Mind


Unknown said...

Nope...not my cup of tea. However I think Aaron and Ned need to learn these dance moves. :)

Franny said...

could you imagine?! Oh that just made my day LOL!