Uses for that tiny wooden hand back scratcher You may think it's just for scratching your back but the possibilities are endless!!
*high five with a tiny wooden hand
*grab objects from across the table with a tiny wooden hand
* caress your lovers cheek without having to move from the couch with a tiny wooden hand
*scratch your chin like an intellectual with a tiny wooden hand
*pose like The Thinker with a tiny wooden hand
*put a tiny wooden pinkie to your mouth and say "one million dollars"
*scratch the cat with a tiny wooden hand without getting fur on you
*grab someones butt with a tiny wooden hand
*drive like a low rider with a tiny wooden hand
* brush back your hair with a tiny wooden hand
*rough someone up with a tiny wooden hand
*raise the roof with a tiny wooden hand
*smack the back of someone's hand with a tiny wooden hand
*give secret tiny wooden handshakes
*pay the delivery guy with a tiny wooden hand
The List goes on and on...
Inspired by the book "why girls are weird" by Pamela Ribon Hilarious pick it up for that fun quick weekend read.
3 Reasons to Give Up Your New Year’s Resolution
2 weeks ago
this is funny! i especially like the pose like the Thinker and put tiny wooden pinkie in mouth and say 'one million dollars'...bwahahaha
i'm so glad you de-lurked and left me a comment. i'm going to add you to my blogroll =)
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