Friday, February 29, 2008

Keeping It Real

Lunanik over at Secrets of a Black Heart challenged her readers to complete her "Keeping It Real" meme. The rule is to reveal a handful of things that are embarrassing about myself. Things that only after years of marriage I revealed to my husband. She made it to 7 Something tells me I won't get that far, but here it goes.

1. I too hate shaving and do it maybe once a month during the winter. 3 or 4 times a month in the spring and summer. Much to the chagrin of my hubby.

2. When someone around me has a pimple I have to fight the overwhelming urge to pin them to the ground and "get rid of it"

3. One of my darkest secrets has to be I was once a hardcore new kids on the block fan.

4. I'm a horrible housekeeper. Only since meeting my husband have I become better at it. Right now you'd have to muscle my closet door open because of the copious amounts of clothes on the floor.

5. I can't go a day without reading It is a source of great shame that I can't stop reading it.

Must stop now... Can't. Stand. The. Shame.


LunaNik said...

YOu are one of two brave souls to tackle this meme. Bravo.

We already know I'm hairy, yes?
I am a pimple popping FOOL.
I too am on every day.

Heh. Good job!!