I've spoken a tad about my previous life as a radio DJ. It was something I enjoyed tremendously and it's one of the first things in my life that actually felt I was good at. I've worked with some amazing and not so amazing people. I learned about the power of radio and more importantly the power of my own voice. Voice talents are everywhere... Your radio (fm or satelite), TV, Movies, Phone calls, hell even your public transportation commute dabbles in the use of voice talents.
One of my dear dear friends (and mentor)L.L. told me repeatedly during my career that I had a lot of potential and had a "voice meant for larger markets" I knew I was good but that good nah... Eventually I had to walk away from the decrepid state that most FM radio stations have become. And too this day I don't regret my decision. But I will say my love of production and learning just how far my voice can go... That never died.
L.L. has also urged me over the years to branch out into voice work. But I never had the balls to do it. Until now. I've thought alot recently about the things that I felt good doing. The things that brought me happiness in my life. Using my voice has always brought me great happiness, professionaly it brought me a sense of purpose and pride. And if I'm smart about it I could make some decent bank.
So I touched base with L.L. who was ecstatic that I was finally taking the plunge. I bought my mic.
hello lover....I forgot what the site of these things used to do to me. I get all kinds of butterflies in my tummy (I'm a nerd like that)
...And I dusted off my old production mp3's clipped them together and sent it out into the great voice talent ocean. Thanks to L.L. I've landed smack dab on an island full of some of the most respected talents in the biz. Could I be one of them only time will tell. But I'm going to try.
And just for giggles I thought I'd share with you my demo. (take a look to your right) And no I don't really sound like that in person well when I'm amongst friends I don't.
So let this be a lesson to you... Don't ever be afraid to take that leap of faith. Don't ever shortchange yourself of your talents. When you take that chance I can promise you you'll be surprised how successful you will be.
Ok, I don't know if gorgeous is the right word, but your voice is gorgeous! Good luck to you. If just getting the mic made you giddy, you're so doing the right thing dipping toes back into something you enjoyed so much!
Yay! So glad you're going to try to use your voice again! It's funny how when I listen to you speak professionally, even though you do use a different tone quality, I can still recognize your voice, specifically on certain words that you use in your every day life.
Did I ever tell you that I have a degree in communications and at one point was planning on becoming a radio dj?? We have a helluva lot in common don't we??
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