Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How's about a Quickie?

It is so true the saying that you need a vacation from the vacation. I'm back and hugging and kissing the little one profusely (ENOUGH mommy Dayum!) But here are some thoughts of late.

*I'm a horrible flyer. all the passengers in my zone are angels for putting up with me on 4 flights. With mad love going out to June who held my hand during some of the worst turbulence I've ever experienced.

*I love making new friends and I made some AMAZING ones this weekend. It was unforgettable.

* I love catching up with old friends. The mark of a truly good friend is when you haven't been physically near them for years and it feels as though you saw them yesterday.

*Rental Cars ROCK

*Mechanics suck!!! Charge me $110 after 5 days of having my car only to say "yeah I don't have the tools to fix it" FUCK YOU!!

*But there is nothing like coming home, and crawling into bed with your best friend and waking up to your kid's beautiful face.