Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mommy's on Vacay Wiggle Iggle Marathon

Gainesville will always hold a special place in my heart. It's the place where I really came into my own in so many ways. And like most important moments in my life there's always a soundtrack.

While in Gainesville I discovered Coldplay. Their debut album Parachutes will always be a top ten. Everytime I hear this song I'm absolutely transported. I remember friends, lovers, moments that will keep me warm all the days of my life.


Anonymous said...

Hi there how are you? I was looking through your blog and found it interesting and wanted to leave you a comment.

I have an ivitation for you to come and visit my art blog here in San Diego, and comment if you will.

I think that you may enjoy the various labels and music videos I design for my art blog, hope to see you here soon and take care :)