Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Life In Color

If you had told me 5 years ago I'd be a elmo singing, mommy group lovin, sippy cup washin, mama I would have asked for your crack dealer's number. But I so am. And dammit I'm happy. And those that have known me for years know just how far away from my old life my current life is. And I have to be honest sometimes I miss those old aspects of my life. But I remind myself that those experiences along with my current ones are full of such color and diversity. And it makes me smile. I led a pre-baby life that will make for some very interesting stories when I'm old. And would probably shock some of my new friends. The fact that I even have those stories to tell is all that matters my darlings.

Recently I found a "mommy group" that has really made such a huge difference in my life and the lives of my family. And I have to be honest I had some pretty ridiculous pre-concieved notions about what it meant to be in a "mommy group". But we are all so very different in personalities and yet so alike in our day to day lives, it's been so refreshing to find that no one judges the other.

Which isn't to say that I don't get nervous about sharing certain aspects about myself. But I know that the other mommies feel the same way. The best part about it though, is that we don't have to know all the details of the past. We are just there for each other in the present. It's a beautiful thing my friends!

One of the things I've been most proud of in my life has been my go where the road takes me mentality and it has lead to to the most unpredictable and exciting places. There was a time in my very inexperienced youth that I had a very narrow view on what it meant to be a parent, I felt sorry for moms in my hometown, I felt like they had somehow settled for something less in their life. And that may have been true for some of them. But as I've discovered. It can be quite the adventure as long as you never lose sight of who you really are and what's really important to you. It can be the most exciting, challenging, scary and rewarding experience of your life. It's not for some and that's okay too. I guess the most important thing we should learn is that fill our life with the color of experience, whatever color life gives you take it and make it yours. In the end it will surround you with the peace of a life well lived.