Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm Just Going To Put It Out There

Gay Marriage, Prop 8 it's been on my mind A LOT lately. Ned has a funny notion "If gay people want to be just as miserable as the rest of us, I'm certainly not going to stand in their way" AKA "I believe that gay people have just as much right to be married as the rest of us"

One of the arguments against gay marriage is that gay couples can't have children. That the human race will somehow get wiped off the planet if we allow gays to be well GAY. My BIG problem with this notion is what about the couples who for one reason or the thousands cannot bear children? They can't have kids does that mean that they aren't allowed to be married?

Of course this is a subject I can go ON and ON and ON about (and usually do if I see the opportunity to do so) But here are a few important points I would like to make.

I believe that Gay Marriage should happen NOW. Why? Because millions of children need them. There are over 500,000 children in the Foster care system and almost as many waiting for adoption. Many of them in desperate need of families. What if... and this is for those that believe it's "not right" based on spiritual beliefs. What if. God created homosexual love so that these unwanted or abused children can have parents?. It is my firm belief that Gay couples are meant to be the parents to many of these children. They offer an understanding and patience certain kids need so desperately. In so many cases a gay couple will understand what it means to feel unwanted, they understand the need to be understood and not looked at as a pariah. I'm not saying that straight couples can't offer the same, but obviously there are more kids than couples who are stepping up. Here you have pool of millions of couples that would love nothing more than to nurture a child.

But on a baseline level this much I believe; Love, real love for another human being is such a rare thing. This world is full of so much hurt and pain, why on earth do some people insist on begrudging others a basic human right? The right to be and feel loved. The right to say, I want to commit to you now and forever. To want their loved one to know that I will not leave your side, in sickness and in health. It baffles me the excuses people offer against gay marriage... Insurance? Taxes? if that makes up your reasons for getting married I feel oh so sorry for your spouse.

I'm sympathetic that for some to change the way they believe about homosexuality means the foundation of their faith is rocked. And some will cite a scripture or two. well the if that's the end all be all these few scriptures then what about your love of bacon? Leviticus 11:7 - And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you. Or perhaps you have your ears pierced? Maybe a little tattoo? Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD - Leviticus: 19:28 Wait Wait Wait, why am I typing these words when I should have never been educated in the first place! 1 Timothy 2:12-14 - I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man. My point is, that to say it's "god's law", surely you MUST follow all the other "rules" right? It's not pick and choose.

I'm sympathetic that it's a difficult choice to make. But you chose your faith, you choose to go to church on sunday, you choose to believe in scripture. The bottom line is that homosexuality is NOT a choice. My friends, MY BROTHER did not wake up one day and say "you know what sounds like soooo much fun?! I'm going to choose to incite the anger and violence and ostricization of others. I'm going to go against my natural sexual urges for the opposite sex and get it on with someone of the same sex. I'm going to risk the alienation of my family, friends and co-workers...This being a homosexual sounds like a friggin blast!!"

Why don't we call it what it is... Fear, fear of the unknown, for some it's perhaps fear of their own feelings. And Miseducation. I respect faith, I've seen in so many how powerful religion has been. Your Faith is exactly that...Yours and if it brings you peace and happiness then I am so happy for you as that too is rare in this world. But have it be about yourself, not about me or anyone else. Grow and nuture your own faith in god and leave judgement in the hands of the almighty not your own.


Steph(anie) said...

Very well said.

Melissa said...

Girl, I have uttered all these words (and more) on this subject so many times and yet, I am still unable to understand how those people who see the opposite side of this coin are justified in their beliefs. Not one person has been able to explain it to me in a way I could not rebut.