There are many reasons why I think Ned is a great father. He has taught our daughter to be absolutely fearless. He has taught her the comedy of biology (those two laugh so hard when anyone near them farts). He's taught her how to hang with the boys. She will one day thank him for always having her back, for teaching her all these lessons and countless more to come. He lives and breathes for her, His love for her has saved his life on occasion I'm sure of it. And most of all. He focuses on staying healthy mentally and physically for her. He is the best father I could have asked for for her. I'm so lucky and honored to bear witness too it.
I'm dusting off an oldie that I created for Ned's Birthday awhile back. Of course I have a few special treats in store for this father's day. But this one sums up perfectly what I would give him if money was no object. Even sacrificing my precious Obama for his beloved Ron Paul. (Seriously he just loves the guy!) So it's worth sharing with the world once more. This time substitute "happy birthday" for "happy father's day"
Ned Birthday Love from Frances B on Vimeo.
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