Just before our move, my good friend Laura introduced me to Pinterest crack. Its this fantastic site where you can attempt to organize all those great things you find on the internet, you know, the outfits, jewelery and furniture you'll never be able to afford, the recipes you'll never cook and the crafts you'll never find the time to make. This knowledge doesn't stop you from spending copious amounts of time on the site. All kidding aside, it really is a great way to find incredible amounts of inspiration. To prove to myself (and maybe the hubby)that pinterest is not just a place to daydream, each week I'm going to share how I made a pin a reality. Be it crafts, Stella or house projects, fashion or food:
I've had a hate-hate relationship with my eyebrows for as long as I can remember. In my teens I tamed what was at the time a uni-brow. Don't believe me? ask my relatives, most of us were blessed with "Brickhouse Brows". Throw in a scar that runs through my left eyebrow and you've got one rough eyebrow jungle. I've never been happy with how they turned out no matter how I plucked or waxed.
Enter Pinterest: Here are two pins I came across and immediately saved.
Today armed with these two pins I gave it a whirl.
Before: Eyebrow Jungle
Look at that madness folks!
After: Brow-tasticnessThis is by far the best job I've ever done on them. Yay pinterest!
3 Reasons to Give Up Your New Year’s Resolution
10 hours ago
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