Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Hear Me Rawwwrrr okay more like meow

Do you ever have those moments when being around women in their late teens and early twenties when you want to shake them and go "This is all going to mean jack shit to you in 5 years get over it!"

The young women of today either scare me or encourage me. I see a generation of women either smart & empowered or superficial & materialistic. There is no real middle ground and that scares the crap out of me. Young women who are more focused on blinging out their cellphones, beating up some "bitch" that flirted with their boyfriend or dressing up their pets than discovering their natural strengths and smarts as women. More concerned about keeping their man than learning. More concerned about being taken care of than taking care of themselves.

I'm reminded of the fanzine days in my youth when one of the zines I was a contributor for published this henious piece by a girl who said that feminist were bitter fat girls who couldn't get laid. It drives me up the wall when people especially women buy into this notion that feminisim is driven by these misfit fat girls who are just angry at all the men and pretty girls in the world. The women's movement was real and made up of women from all walks of life. And like any civil rights that so many fought (and died) hard for, once won you can't just let the ship run on auto pilot. You have to make use of your rights, exercise them, because believe it or not they can get taken away in an instant. I am a feminist I feel that if a woman finds her great joy in life in being simply a mother and wife then more power to you sister that's beautiful that's her right. If a woman wants to be president of the united states that's just as much her right and she shouldn't have to jump through any more hoops than the next guy to get it.

I see girls using their sexuality to get what they want at earlier and earlier ages. Sexuality in my book is only as powerful as the brains behind the T & A. These girls just don't see that it's so much more than just showing cleavage or kissing a girl for shock value. That just leads to no one ever taking you seriously. And trust me one day that's all you'll want. The smarter you are about your sexuality the more fullfillment you should get in return. And I think that's what dissapoints me the most is that I see a generation of women getting nothing back and the boys getting all the service and more than an eyeful.

As a mother to a daughter I struggle often with how I'm going to help her achieve that strong balance. Recently she's been fascinated by my breasts. I've told her that they were how mommy fed her when she was a baby that they helped make her big and strong. Sometimes I joke that they are a great source of super human powers never to be taken likely. (It's true but you must use them wisely). I want her to blaze her own trail and never follow. Be the princess that saves herself. And for me thats a tall order for a woman to deliver with her own feminine insecurities to fight. But dammit I'm going to try, maybe I'll learn a little something myself along the way.


LunaNik said...

I think, if we knew each other IRL, that we would be friends.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Now that's a powerful, worthwhile rant. You go girl! I'm right there with you!! I was once told that I was wasting my life by staying home with my kids...I was a "scar on the face of feminism". I told that person that feminism meant that as a woman, I could decide what I wanted to do with my life...that I had choices. Thanks for a great post. And thanks for visiting my blog earlier!!