Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dream A Little Dream

Oh historic Edenton, how I love thee let me count the ways.
-I love that you celebrate your oh so rich and colorful history.
-I love your little movie theatre
-I Love those little shops full of things I hope to one day afford
-I love your little trolly that transports locals and visitors from here to there
-I love your little bistros and coffee shops
-I love your homes so spectacular they are, from the gargantiuan to the modest
-I love that you take GREAT care to preserve the existing structures in your great city
-I love that your arts council is the size of my current towns high school.
-I love that you have theatre and respectable music venues
-My dream house is in your town (just down Church Street) this beautiful green bungalow with stained glass windows.
-I love that I can go grab lunch, get one of the best margaritas EVER, and go grocery shopping in a store that will have anything I could need within a 3 minute walk.
-I love that you have parks (PLURAL) and have plans for additional parks that include the word doggy.
-Have I mentioned your beautiful homes that I long to wonder through.
-Eventhough I'm of no religious affiliation I love your incredibly old and well restored churches.
Today the hubby and I decided that come hell or high water we will call Edenton "home" as soon as possible. We feel so at peace and happy whenever we visit. And we visit often. And this dream is truly obtainable.


LunaNik said...

Where is Edentown and how can I get there????

Is it near a beach? (I must be near a beach.)

Franny said...

Edenton is about 1hr 30min from the Outer Banks. But you are surrounded by water (the Palmico & Albemarle sounds) It's in the Northeastern section of North Carolina. When we finally meet I'll be sure to take you there, we just love it!