As a teenager full of my ...anti-establishment, feminist, music elitist, righteous angst my lust filled dreams usually included one of 3 men. Greg Dulli of the Afghan Whigs (that man still gets my motor running), Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam, and Henry Rollins of the Rollins Band formerly of Black Flag. Greg Dulli was just sex incarnate to me. Eddie was that insiteful wounded soul I wanted heal. But Henry... Henry was this whip smart primal animal that made me want to take on the world. And I can say with all honesty that Henry is probably the reason I'm such a sucker for a man with lots of tattoos. I've written quite a bit inspired by those men and their music over the years and I'm lucky that I came into my own with them in my life (so to speak)
A couple of nights ago for the first time in a long time I had this NAW-TAY dream about Mr. Henry Rollins. Funny thing about it was in the dream I kept telling Henry that I was married and that as much as I wanted to rock his world (that's the PG version) I just couldn't do that to my hubby.... But look at him

You would have caved too... Thanks for the memories Henry!
Yup...I would have caved.
Last naughty dream I had was about Matthew McCauneghy (spelling?) I don't usually like blonde men but he just does it for me. I think it's the fact that he never wears a shirt...mmmmmmmm...**drooling**
That and the naked bongo playing he's known for!
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