Saturday, March 15, 2008

Newsletter Month Twenty-Four (a la Dooce)

Dear Stella,

Yesterday you turned 2 years old. Almost daily I am reminded of how much you flipped my world upside down for the better, but never more so on your birthday. Something tells me that feeling never goes away, infact I think it will only intensify the older you get. I can't remember my life much before you came into it. I can't remember a time when your laugh, your smile, your sweet little voice was not a part of my day to day. And a day without those wonderful gifts is a day not worth living. You blow me away on a daily basis with your smarts, comic timing, and warmth. I feel so lucky that you chose me to be your mother. And while sometimes I fail, I try everyday to be the mother you deserve. Because my dear sweet wonderful daughter, my world is better place because you are in it.

I've thought alot about how far you've come. And where you will take your dad and I in the year to come. How your dad and I have to get on our game, because just when we think we are ahead you do something that floors us. While we may give you a hard time for your incredible bull headedness. Deep down I never want you to loose that sense of direction that sense of knowing what you want and doing whatever it takes to get it. Most of all I hope you never lose your sense of humor. I promise to do my best not to loose mine. Even when your in your bad poetry-dark clothes-"my parents just don't get it" years. That is of course if you haven't already sent in to Child Protective Services, the daily record you keep of how your dad and I don't let you get your way.

To whom It may concern: Today my mommy wouldn't let me watch Shrek for the 8th time, I think you will agree that this is certainly grounds for a new mommy placement, preferably one that will give me lots of cookies and let me tear pages out of books. Sincerely, Stella


LunaNik said...

Ok, so that was heartwarming. And your Stella...adorable. More pictures please!!