Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"Terrific" Two's

Stella turned 2 a month ago...

Oh is this year is gonna be FUN...(so much fun infact I think I'll have to jump off a bridge) Any advice on how to deal, will be immediately welcomed with my desperate open arms.

PS. Look at those balled up fists. And all because I told her to turn around and come back.


Laura B. said...

Oh yea...she's going to be a can see the determination and stubborness in her eyes. Good luck! :-)

Mandy (ZenMonkeyMind) said...

that is an awesome photo!!!

i have no advice, only a warning: three is worse than two, so enjoy the "terrible" twos while you can!!!


Melissa said...

OMG - she's not even remotely a baby anymore!! How can 1 year make such a difference?? Tell her to please stop growing until Aunt Melissa can see her again!

LunaNik said...

Haha! She looks like a toughy. My Stella is the SAME WAY. (Wonder if it's the name???)

My older daughter was never difficult, but my Stella can be a handful.

Looks like we're doing this together, babe!

Karen MEG said...

Precious picture ... she's a cutie. What a lovely little girl, all of 2! Sweet!