So while yesterday morning didn't start out so well. There was still plenty to be very happy about as the day went on.
~I recconnected with some old friends
~I voted!! (how perfect that one of the best things in the world could be done on my birthday)
~I changed my hair color and that's always fun (I haven't been a brunette in like EVER but I dig it)
~I got to spend time with my family over some fantastic mexican food.
~I got to drink one of these (I'm such a lightweight now it RIDICULOUS!)
~Obama won the NC primary! YAY
~And more importantly yesterday I realized that my Mirena IUD has been the cause of my severe depression, mood swings, and overall mental fog for the past 8 months. Which sucks because I really like everything else about this birth control. But I'm glad to finally know that I'm not going insane. And that it can be resolved. More to come on that one later.
I find it best to quote Mr. Ice Cube in these moments and simply say "that today was a good day"
Thanks for all the well wishes!
oooh happy birthday, a day late!
Your hair looks great.
And YAY for OBAMA!!!
Oh my gosh! My son's birthday was Tuesday also. We always vote as a family and he was thrilled to "vote" for Obama. I was moved to tears. Congratulations on the HUGE win in North Carolina. As you know Indiana was close, but we rocked the vote for Barack in Allen County where I've been working. More than 9,000 votes in Barack's favor. Sweet!
So glad you had a great day and sooooo sorry that I didn't get over here to wish you a proper HAPPY FREAKIN' BIRTHDAY!!! So I'm behind as usual......sorry :(
By the way - my latest craving is watermelon - I have eaten 2 in a's going to be a long summer with lots of peeing!! LOL
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