Monday, August 18, 2008

He May Be A Big Diva

But I have fallen madly in love with Ryan Adams. I've fought it for so very long because I've heard more about his ego and tantrums but if it means that maybe just maybe you get to be part of something this magical it's well worth it. Seriously... the more I discover the more I'm upset with myself by not getting to know him sooner and for believing the hype about his attitude (I have yet to find anything that spotlights such acts of diva-ness). Discovering his music has been just the escape I've needed these past few weeks.

This one just transports me, I just had to share it with you.. I also highly recommend "gimme sunshine" that one is just heavenly.


Bijoux said...

You know, it took me a while to realize there was a singer named "Ryan Adams." I kept thinking people were talking about Bryan Adams and I was like, has he made a comeback??