Thursday, September 4, 2008

Lilac Tree Election Coverage 08'

At work I've recently been talking with a co-worker about the Presidential Campaign. She like so many in our area believe what she hears on TV or believes what trusted neighbors of friends tell them about a particular candidate (regardless of whether or not it's based on fact) And frankly she knew nothing about EITHER candidate. I've been really excited finding out that she is going to find information on her own. Paying a little more attention when she reads the paper, she's seeking out the information to make an educated choice.

While doing a little work for the Lords of Karma website I stumbled upon by far one of the most amazing sites out there. Want an REAL unbiased look at the candidates? visit Project Vote Smart. There are no slanted articles (in EITHER direction), no rhetoric, no spin, just stone cold facts. Attendance and Voting Records for State level and US level representatives. Bill & Policy information. The list goes on and on. Best part about it. In just a few clicks you can find out 1st) WHO are your representatives. 2nd) WHAT & HOW do they vote. And 3rd) WHERE can you contact them. It's a glorious and refreshing website. Finally a place for those who just want the facts not opinions.

For a look at Obama's record Click Here . For McCain's Record click Here. And while the Lords of Karma won't officially back a particular candidate we all know who Frances is Rooting for!

Now onto a report I recently found I would really like to share. I think most US citizens think after selecting their elected officials,(chosen to represent and defend our best interests by the way!)that they can go about their day assuming that said elected official will I don't know actually show up to VOTE on issues that matter to them and shape the course of our country. You'd be surprised just how many don't bother... There is a wonderful list compiled at On Congressional attendance records and oh my just look who's at the top...Missing WELL OVER half his votes. I say that's just what we want in a president right???? Who can blame the guy after being there as long as he has... It's just so much work ya know, to actually REPRESENT your constituents. Oh OH OHHH! And Let's not forget that the 36.2% of the time he's actually bothered to show up he's voted over 90% of the time in favor of W's bills and policies. Oh yeah that's some 5 Star Commander In Chief behavior.

Ok I'm off to down a few drinks to finally find the courage to stomach those spectacular RNC convention speeches. (I've heard Gulianni and Palin just knocked them out of the park.)


Angie said...

It's up to the people of this country to get and remain active. Then our elected officials will know we are paying attention and are holding them accountable. Then maybe they'll get there collective act together!