Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I am hearing impaired. 90% of it is genetic nerve damage and 10% of it is the hundreds of shows I've seen over the years. I'm not deaf but chances are I will be by the time I'm in my mid to late 40's. I have hearing aids that thanks to a local agency I was able to aquire a few years ago for free. But they are the wrong type for my particular hearing loss. They amplify sounds that I already hear (treble sounds high pitched sounds like birds chirping, laughing) And completely muddle the bass sounds I have so much trouble interpreting ( human conversation) And until the $5,000 dollars can finally be pulled out of my ass to purchase the correct ones I typically find myself forgoing their aid (or the migranes they produce)
It's a daily struggle on one degree or the next. 2 of my favorite "perks" about being hearing impaired...Number 1-The constant feeling that people around you are talking behind your back. Because they know I'm not going to hear a damn thing they say. Seriously, if my back is turned and you say in a moderately toned voice. "That Frances is one skanky beeyotch", I'm not going to hear one word. Number 2 - people thinking doing that very thing is funny. One frequent remark people make when I tell them "I need you to know that I have a pretty bad hearing problem, so please keep this in mind if you speak to me and I don't immediately respond" it never fails that someone will go "WHAAAAT?" Yeah real fuckin funny let's see how funny you are when I kick you in the balls and go "can you hear me now bitch?"


LunaNik said...

I'm adding "WHAAAA?" to my list of things to say when I meet you ;)

SpeakUp Librarian said...

I have often struggled with the feeling that people at work are talking about me just out of earshot. It comes from only hearing bits and pieces of conversations. I finally had to tell myself, "I am not that interesting!" and shrug off the paranoia.