Thursday, January 8, 2009

Attack of the 3 foot Insomniac

This morning at the buttcrack of dawn I realized that it's been almost a month now since I've had more than 4 continuous hours of sleep. Recently Stella has become quite the insomniac. She usually goes down around 8pm on a good night. Sometimes it's 9 or 10 before she actually you know goes to sleep!! But starting at midnight she's up every 2 hours. Most of the time I'm so sweetly awakened by her freakishly strong arms shoving me and her yelling "WAKE UP MOMMY.... WAAAAAAKE UP!" Sometimes I awaken to her playing in the sink in the bathroom. or better yet shuffling through the liquor cabinet as documented here.

Childproof my ass!!

Perhaps it's penance. She slept through the night for almost two years straight. I know...I know I'm lucky I got that much... But we can't figure out what to do. Is it a phase? The ringing in of the tumultuous threes? She has a routine; jammies, clean room, teeth brushing, a book, kisses from daddy then goodnight. We are hoping that it's the milk she drinks just before bed. Hoping that if we black out the window by her bed that somehow someway she'll sleep through the night again.

Either way when she's a teen and tries to sleep in on the weekend as they ALL eventually do you bet your sweet ass I'm busting into her room at 6am "WAKE UP STELLA!! WAAAAAKE UP" Maybe throw in an air horn for good measure.


Melissa said...

Haha! She will hate you forever if you do that air horn bit! But then again, she's going to hate you anyway when she's a teenager, so I say, go for it! :)

Franny said...

Isn't it the truth? I can't wait to tell her that all that emo crap she's expressing was mastered by moi. The kids these days don't have anything on me!

I'm sure that will also be the time in which she tries repeatedly to run away to NY (or Africa) to live with Auntie Melissa