Monday, October 20, 2008


Parenthood is full of crazy twists and turns. One second this 3 foot tall little person can flip you upside down ready to scream for mercy at the top of your lungs. The next she leaves you beside yourself with such warmth and love. The other day I had to take Stella to an appointment (only because she needed to be there) She had been sick the past few days with cold and hadn't had much sleep the night before so I knew I had a work out ahead of me.

OH that was the understatement of the year. Screaming...Wailing... Running...Never Ending Snot Rivers and lot's of Hippie Protester maneuvers.

Hippie Protester Maneuver? These are the "I'm gonna go completely limp when the man (AKA mom & dad) try to hold me down - FIGHT THE POWER!" moves the little one likes to pull. We've all seen them, a parent holding their kid up by an arm, Or my personal favorite the kid hitting the floor and beginning a nice rolling wail.

The nice nurse was trying to ask me about 5 questions and with each one Stella got louder and louder. sob-"bye bye..." WAIL "BYE BYE!!!!!" I was doing my damnest to keep my cool and I was quite proud of my progress in spite of the major meltdown that was by now driving everyone within a 50 mile radius mad. Suddenly the nurse goes. "Mrs. B I'll call you if I need anymore information you can go now". You got to give the little one points for determination.

Also she's really started to explore lately and is getting mighty brave. Just the other day I was preparing lunch in the kitchen thinking that Stella was still coloring in the living room. When all of a sudden she appears in the kitchen waving mommy's toy around as if it were a magic wand just laughing her ass off. (insert joke here) She had snuck into our bedroom gotten into our nightstand. I didn't know whether to cry or laugh. I did however immediately find a new home for the contents in mommy's fun drawer. JOY

And then the same day after I decided it was movie time!! she suddenly begins to sing along with the movie. To the top of her lungs. I had to sit down and catch my breath it was such an awesome moment. I've never heard her sing before and she just did it guns blazing.
It floored me with it's preciousness. And Of course I've played that movie once a day since just to get to hear her sing it again.

Stella's Family Of Me from Frances B on Vimeo.